Friday, November 30, 2007

Passion… ate… less…?

Those who know me (yes, you two) know that passion is not something I am short on. I am passionate about writing, acting, creating, cooking, politics, ethics, relationships, and, um, well, WoW…

But I never cease to be amazed by people who have never found their passion. It seems to me there shouldn’t be any searching required; you should be able to find passion in anything. Right now, for instance, in the midst of a particularly foul workday, I am passionate contemplating the nap I would take if I only had the opportunity.

Before Vicky and I met, back when I was on Match, one question I would ask women to get to know them better is about their passions. And I wonder why I got so few responses! Even Vicky gave me a “what the hell are you talking about” kind of response. Since then, I’ve been told, “Not everyone finds their passion like you have, Ken.” But that’s just crazy.

There’s got to be more there. Maybe people are discouraged from opening themselves up to their passion. Maybe they’re so shut down by the tedium of every day life that it’s easier to ignore our passions. I know that most people get off-put when I start getting really into something, which is why I often shut up about my current projects. They give me a look like, “What is your problem?” and that is what’s so weird about it. Passion should not be a problem. It should be encouraged and embraced.

If you don’t know what your passion is, maybe you should open yourself up to whatever passion you feel. It might not be your life’s work but – you never know, do you? – it’s a way of living your life that is open to the passionate and ready for the passionate.

Hell, I could write a whole book on pas…. Yeah, maybe I’ll stop. You get the idea. Have fun.

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