Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Death MIsses and other tales of death... now available on Smashwords for all e-readers...

Just a note that my collection of horror and hor-larious tales, Death Misses and other tales of death, is now available for all e-readers, just check out the box on the side!

These works by Ken La Salle range from the bizarre to the morbid and even further beyond still. In Death Misses and other tales of death, Ken La Salle treats you to a dozen deadly tales to keep you up at night.

You’ll find out exactly what happens when Death misses and what lengths he’ll go to fix that.
You’ll meet a scientist who has overcome death, though it might overcome him.
You’ll encounter a man who can hear souls no matter where they are imprisoned.
You’ll learn for yourself the incredible secret of Stewart Rollings Mott.
You’ll find out just how much it costs to buy spiritual enlightenment.
You’ll witness the birth of a new kind of creature, one who sheds light.
You’ll find out when peeling isn’t quite enough for one man.
You’ll accompany one helpful soul who is looking for a way out.
You’ll know the terror that goes with an itch that is… just… out… of… reach…
You’ll read about a very helpful car that even gives you your keys.
You’ll sink inside the dreams of the dead.
And you’ll learn exactly why dead… ain’t.

Death Misses and other tales of death is a guided tour across the graveyard – but it’ll only bite you in the wallet a tiny bit.

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