Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Father of Rewinding died today.

No, this isn't a joke. Keep reading.

Honestly. The guy who invented "rewinding" died today. I never thought that such a common feature, something we don't even use anymore, would have an "inventor". I'm sure many people would feel the same. But there you go.

And, of course, this got me thinking about my father.

I'm sure you see where this is going.

My dad's contributions to my family's lives, however small or large, annoying or funny, traumatizing or comforting, may not be seen by the world around us. They might not even be noticed by those close to us. But they are there. Having him in our lives changed us and helped us be the people we are today. We should use that for all the good we can, even when we might think that our contributions may end up like the Inventor of Rewinding.

We are all of us lost in the threads of time sooner or later but right now we are all necessary and our actions can change the world. And so it was with my dad.

Thank you for humoring me while I wax rhapsodic.

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