Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Most Amazing Book You've Ever Heard In Your Entire Life...

... is NOW AVAILABLE! You can pick it up today on Audible and iTunes.

But, if I were you, I'd get it for FREE by joining Audible today. It is truly like nothing you've heard before.

Click this link to see more!

Take a journey unlike any you've taken before with Illiturature Books. When has a book ever showed you the view from the top of Mount Everest or accompanied you to the moon or picked up lunch? But you'll find all of that and much more in the first title by Illiturature Books: The Most Amazing Book You've Ever Heard in Your Entire Life...just make sure you're worth it.

Take a trip across our known world and beyond! You'll not only experience the highest point on Mt. Everest (nearly), the depths of a live volcano, and even the surface of the moon; you'll also learn a few secrets along the way. You'll discover why ownership isn't as possible as you've been told, why straight lines never are, and why there aren't as many new masterworks from the Renaissance as there probably should be. Discover the pitfalls of aesthetic judgments while somehow also learning the meaning of truth and beauty. And learn how it's not always the lies we are told that cause us problems. Sometimes it's the truth you don't see right in front of you.

Ken La Salle takes his own brand of twisted humor and the shattered remains of what you once thought of as an audiobook to bring you The Most Amazing Book You’ve Ever Heard in Your Entire Life. Enjoy the view.

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