Monday, April 04, 2011

A Grand Canyon, One Man's Journey Through Depression...

Today I am happy to announce that my next Kindle (and iPad Kindle app) book, titled A Grand Canyon, One Man’s Journey Through Depression, is now available for just $4.95. (You can find the link to your right as well.) You’ll find the pitch below and I hope you’ll find it soon on your e-reader. (Yes, iBooks and Nook and other formats will also soon be available.) If you know anyone with an iPad or Kindle, please share the news!

Author Ken La Salle has written over a dozen novels and his plays have been performed around Southern California, but his most personal work remained hidden until now.

In September 2002, Ken left his home and drove to the Grand Canyon to kill himself. The only life he'd ever known was little more than a shambles. He'd lost his wife and now he realized that he really couldn't live without her. All that was left was depression, booze, and guilt - with a running start and a jump over the edge, he would end it all.

Ken's story is filled with dysfunctional families, love found and lost, breakups, breakdowns, and his attempts to end it all. It's the true story of a man lost without love and too destroyed to think he deserves love. But the most amazing part of the story isn't what set him on the road to the Grand Canyon; it's what happened... afterwards...

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