Thursday, June 29, 2006


Yep. It's day three.

This time, I stirred in twice the honey and I added a little water, believing that would dilute it... somehow...

It took two swallows but I got it down and then... um... wait...

Actually, it wasn't that bad. Oh, it sucked, of course. It was like sucking on the teat of Mama Putridity, but it was no worse than anything from McDonalds.

So, I finally found the formula. Now, let's see if any health benefits ensue.

Much else has been going on in my little world as well.

The book's coming along nicely. I hit 58,000 words today and I believe I'm on schedule for finishing this up in August. It's a long, strange trip. Focusing so closely on emotions, I find myself closer to these characters than usual in a way I experience when I'm acting, strangely enough. I've probably mentioned before that this is easily the most "mainstream" (whatever that is) book I've ever written. It's also like one of those relationship movies you can settle back into and just watch the people be people - that's the way it is to me, at least. You're not waiting for the next action sequence; you're enjoying spending time with them. (That's what I'm hoping for, at least!)

Vicky is doing much better, to my great and eternal relief. She's walking the dog and driving and will be returning to work. As frustrating as she is - and she is! - I think back to the day of the operation and how fearful I was of losing her and realize how much I love her.

I helped Sean collect recyclable material in his complex last weekend. It was hot and dirty work but it was good work, just the same. And it was nice to be volunteering, something I do far too little of! I'll be back again this weekend - collecting recyclables, playing catch. Who the hell am I?

Maybe I asked that too soon because I'm also contemplating another change. Yes, after several years, my World of Warcraft account is coming up and I'm not going to renew it. Well, I won't renew it right away. I'm considering switching over to the City of Heroes experience and getting a taste of that for a while... that is, if Vicky will let me...

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